How We Sell Businesses


Business Listings

Price Range - slider

We sell businesses with the following:

  • Commitment to a full-time coordinated sales campaign
  • Targeting and contact with buyer prospects
  • Generic, blind, multi-listing style internet listings on numerous networks and business opportunity websites

Professional “Offering Summary” package

  • Coordination with Seller to produce a high quality marketing package
  • Highlight what’s important – a specific story and specific numbers

Organizational systems and established confidentiality procedures

  • Office set-up to handle buyer qualification and confidentiality for clients. 
  • Confidentiality is maintained through “blind” listings.
  • A Buyer registration process is utilized to gather information and screen prospects.  
  • Creative marketing and sales systems are in place to get businesses sold.

Special targeting

  • Search for prospects in related fields (with seller permission)

Contact Database of Buyers Ready to Buy

  • Ready supply of qualified buyer prospects already looking.
  • Knowledge of where buyer prospects are in their search process.
  • Regular contact with individuals in this database.
  • Active use of on-line networks.

Active use of on-line Listings on

  • Other websites as applicable

For more information on how we can help you sell your business, contact us today.


Protect the Value of Your Business

Let an experienced business broker help you sell your business with confidence. With Associates’ offices located throughout the state, NHBS is well positioned to effectively serve NH business owners.