Why Hire a Business Broker?


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It Makes Good Business Sense to Hire a Business Broker

Running a Business is Challenging.  Running a business and at the same time trying to sell it yourself presents many difficulties. In order to get the best return on your investment, you will need to maintain but preferably continue to grow your bottom line. Remaining objective about a business you have invested heavily in physically, emotionally and financially is difficult.

Preparing your business for sale.  There are many steps to preparing and marketing your business beginning with determining the value of the business.  What is your business worth to potential buyers? Is this the best time to sell or are there issues that can be addressed now that will result in a greater return in the future. Gathering the necessary documents and financial statements is time consuming on its own.  Add in the time and knowledge to prepare the analysis and it is time taken away from your business. There are many variables that go into making that analysis and an experienced intermediary is well versed in evaluating the data to come up with a determination of value.  Based on the determined value the intermediary will consult with you to put together an offering price. 

Marketing your business. A comprehensive, attractive marketing package will be prepared as well as a blind teaser to gain interest in further pursuit. Extensive experience with listing sites allows for proper positioning of the listing. We use our internal as well as multiple external databases for producing targeted prospect lists. In order to avoid wasting the seller’s time and unnecessarily sharing information, we communicate with potential buyers to gather information on their likes/ dislikes; skills and experience; and possible financial resources to see if there is a potential fit with the buyer and business of interest. One of the results we shoot for is demonstrated in an article about a recent sale of a local retail sporting goods store, Village Sports. Read the article here.

Confidential Process.  An experienced intermediary is set up to prepare and present a marketing package that is confidential. Every effort is made to keep the identity of the business confidential until the prospective buyer has completed a nondisclosure agreement and is vetted for sincere interest and initial assessment of their viability as a serious customer prior to receiving detailed information on your business.  The intermediary fields the initial questions and your involvement is not required until we get closer to a written offer to purchase.

Experience.  All of the processes and forms are in place.

Works for you.  When a letter of intent is presented to the seller, the intermediary will work with you to evaluate the offer and prepare a counter offer and represent you in negotiations.  They will serve as your go between fielding questions during the due diligence process.

They will work with you to structure the deal to provide the greatest return for you.

They can also assist the buyer in locating financing options helping to speed along the process.

For additional information on how we can assist you in selling your business, contact us today.


Protect the Value of Your Business

Let an experienced business broker help you sell your business with confidence. With Associates’ offices located throughout the state, NHBS is well positioned to effectively serve NH business owners.